Meet the cats

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So we never really liked cats before, so I'm unsure why when a friend asked me if I'd like to buy a kitten I said yes. Actually, it was Christmas time and I think I was high on festive spirit, but anyway here we are nearly 3 years later and two cats. Olive was our first cat, I was actually surprised that, at the tender age of 6 weeks, she didn't tear my face off (my assumption of a cats behaviour before Olive)

10 months later Simon decided Olive needed a friend, the pet shop (I'll use this term lightly) at the end of our road sold them and he made the mistake of telling my friend to convince me to get another kitten. While Simon was away visiting family for the day myself and the friend took a stroll to the pet shop, and in the corner of the kitten cage, trying to get some sleep but couldn't because all the other kittens where standing on her, was little Coco. The staff in the shop thrust her into my arms and I knew she was the kitten for us, looking back I'm not sure why, she was disgusting.
Simon unfortunately was on the train back home and when he didn't answer my call I left a message that went a little something like this 'Simon, I've found the perfect kitten, we must have her, she's amazing, pleaseeeeee' He didn't respond for at least 10 minutes so another message was left 'Simon, I'm walking back down to the pet shop to collect her, we can't leave her there, call me' Again he didn't reply the final message 'I got her'

Turns out Coco was terribly looked after and was a very poorly little creature, we took her to the vet and they weren't sure if she would survive. A kitten of her age should of weighed around 900g, she only weighed 400g. Not to mention she was ridden in fleas and worms. It was touch and go, and she poo'd on pretty much everything. She smelled horrible and luckily I think Olive took pity (or couldn't stand the smell any longer) and washed her from head to toe. 

A beautiful friendship between the cats developed and they're now inseparable and Coco is healthy,
(and a bit of a doofus)

And there we have it, I have written and entire post about my cats.


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