The start of the ramblings...

Welcome to my blog!! Since I left university 3 years ago a lot has happened in my life...I moved to a new city, bagged my dream job, found out my dream job was more like a nightmare, I set up my own business, closed the business to follow a better opportunity, made some friends, lost some friends, I've loved, laughed and cried. Oh and possibly the most exciting part of all of this, the love of my life asked me to marry him...the wedding is creeping up and well... I decided that I needed a place to write down all my little thoughts, post photos (lots of the cats) and share my crafty projects.

I hope my ramblings will make you smile, and I hope my crafternoons (crafts in the afternoon) will inspire you to make something pretty. I hope the 'you' turns out to be somebody otherwise I'm just a crazy cat lady talking to herself.



  1. Planning for a wedding must be the most exciting thing ever, I can't wait til the day I can plan mine! :) I LOVE the sound of crafternoons, new follower of your blog here. Mine's if you fancy a peek! :) xx

    1. Thank you so much :)
      We've only got 5 months to go until the wedding so theres going to be crafternoons everywhere!

      Followed back... love your blog, just had a good nose through it x

  2. Hi! You blog ideas sound great ;)


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